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Best online colleges for a political science major?

I'm considering an online political science degree and want to know which schools are considered top choices. Any recommendations for excellent online programs?

2 days ago

Sure, there are several online colleges known for their Political Science programs that you might want to consider.

Pennsylvania State University's World Campus offers both an online Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Sceince in Political Science. The program is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the discipline while allowing flexibility for students to concentrate in areas of interest. The curriculum covers topics like American government, international relations, and political theory.

The University of Central Florida (UCF) has an online Bachelor of Arts in Political Science program as well. Their program covers topics like Public Opinion, Political Parties and Processes, and Civic Engagement.

Arizona State University's online platform, ASU Online, also offers a Bachelor of Science in Political Science. The program combines political science theory, comparative politics, and international relations, and has a robust offering of elective courses, allowing students to customize their degree according to their interests.

Just remember that the best program for you really depends on what focus areas you are interested in within political science, as well as factors such as tuition costs, faculty, and the delivery format of the online courses.

2 days ago

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