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Best Small Colleges for Science Recommendations?

I'm looking for some smaller colleges that have a strong focus on science. I prefer close-knit communities over huge campuses. Any recommendations for where to apply?

2 days ago

Taking into account your preference for smaller, science-focused colleges with a close-knit community, here are a few recommendations:

1. Harvey Mudd College: Located in Claremont, California as part of the Claremont Consortium, Harvey Mudd is renowned for its strong science and engineering curriculum. Despite having fewer than 1,000 undergraduate students, the college still offers numerous research opportunities together with the resources offered by the other colleges in the consortium.

2. Swarthmore College: Swarthmore, located near Philadelphia, is a highly regarded liberal arts college with a number of robust STEM programs. Its Engineering department is one of the few in the nation at a liberal arts college. Additionally, the college is part of the Tri-College Consortium, providing students with wider academic and social options.

3. Carleton College: Situated in Northfield, Minnesota, Carleton is known for its collaborative atmosphere and rigorous academics. It boasts a strong science program, with high undergraduate participation in research.

4. Reed College: Located in Portland, Oregon, Reed is recognized for its intense intellectual atmosphere. With its strong emphasis on learning and a curriculum that places heavy emphasis on sciences, Reed produces an impressive number of students who go on to earn PhDs in science fields.

5. Williams College: Located in Williamstown, Massachusetts, Williams is a liberal arts college with a robust and inclusive science program. The school encourages undergraduate research and provides many opportunities to collaborate with faculty on significant projects.

Each of these colleges has a distinctive academic and social culture, so I would recommend conducting further research, perhaps visiting if possible, to see which aligns best with your personal preferences. Good luck as you prepare for this exciting journey!

2 days ago

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