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Top State Colleges for Computer Science?

I'm considering both affordability and quality programs, so I'm interested in learning about the best state colleges for studying computer science. Do you have any suggestions for where I should apply?

2 days ago

Sure, I'd be happy to list some top-notch state schools renowned for their Computer Science programs. Keep in mind that tuition rates can vary significantly depending on whether you're an in-state or out-of-state resident, so be sure to consider that in your decision-making process.

1. University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley): UC Berkeley is generally considered one of the best public universities in the world for Computer Science. Their program is rigorous and they have strong ties to the tech industry. Do keep in mind that their CS program is highly competitive.

2. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC): UIUC has a strong Computer Science department that typically ranks among the top five nationally. It's also known for its research opportunities and collaboration with tech companies.

3. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (UMich): UMich is another top-tier public university for Computer Science. The faculty is known for their research and students have numerous opportunities for internships and co-ops.

4. University of Washington (UW): Located in Seattle, UW's Computer Science program also ranks among the top public schools. Given its location near tech hubs like Microsoft and Amazon, there are plenty of opportunities for internships.

5. University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin): UT Austin has a high-ranking Computer Science program and Austin's rising tech scene provides many opportunities for internships and jobs.

6. University of California, San Diego (UCSD): UCSD's computer science program is very highly regarded and the school's proximity to the tech industry in San Diego offers students a variety of opportunities for internships and job placements.

Remember, what matters most is how well the school fits your personal academic and financial needs. I would recommend taking the time to research each of these schools further and see which one aligns best with your goals and budget. In terms of affordability, be sure to check out each school's net price calculator to get an estimate of what you might pay after financial aid is considered.

2 days ago

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