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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Understanding Reach Schools: How to Determine?

I've heard people talking about 'reach' schools when discussing college applications. Can anyone explain what a reach school is, and how can I determine which schools might be considered a reach for me? Thanks!

a year ago

A "reach" school is a term used to describe a college or university where your academic profile and other qualifications are below the average accepted student's profile at that institution. Essentially, it's a school where getting accepted may be a bit of a stretch or a challenge, given the competition and your current credentials. That being said, it's still important to apply to reach schools if you have a genuine interest in attending them, as there is always a possibility of getting accepted.

To determine which schools might be considered a reach for you, you can take the following steps:

1. Research the average GPA, test scores (if applicable), and other academic profiles of admitted students for the colleges or universities you're interested in attending. You can usually find this information on the school's official website, as well as college ranking websites, or websites like CollegeVine that provide comprehensive college insights.

2. Compare your own academic profile to that of the average accepted student at those schools. If your GPA, test scores, or class rank are significantly lower than the averages, then the school could be considered a reach for you.

3. Evaluate the strength of your extracurricular activities and leadership experiences. If you have notable Tier 1 or Tier 2 accomplishments (as described in the instructions), then these can potentially compensate for a slightly weaker academic profile.

4. Reflect on the competitiveness and selectivity of the schools in question. The more selective a school is, the higher the possibility that it might be a reach for a larger number of applicants, even those with strong qualifications.

5. Consider consulting with a college admissions counselor or a high school guidance counselor who can offer more personalized advice based on your unique profile and the specific schools you're interested in.

Remember that even if a school is a reach for you, it doesn't mean you don't have a chance of getting accepted. You should still apply if you're passionate about the school and can craft a strong application that showcases your strengths and unique experiences. It's always good to have a balanced college list containing reach schools, match schools (where your qualifications align well with the average accepted student), and safety schools (where your qualifications are above the average accepted student). This ensures that you have a range of options to choose from when acceptance letters come in. Good luck!

a year ago

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