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Which UCSD college is the best for computer science?

I'm applying to UCSD and want to major in computer science. I've heard each college has its own vibe, but which one is considered the best for CS majors in terms of resources and community?

4 days ago

In terms of academic resources and curriculum, the college system at UCSD doesn't affect the courses you take as a computer science major. The Jacobs School of Engineering is where the major resides, and as a student in this major, you'll have the same access to classes, professors, and resources regardless of which college you're in.

However, the colleges differ in their general education requirements and residential communities. Therefore, selecting a college should primarily be based on which general education requirements align best with your interests rather than your planned major.

In terms of general education, Sixth College might appeal to you as a CS major. Their general education program, known as Culture, Art & Technology (CAT), ties in well with the interdisciplinary mindset that's beneficial in computer science.

Revelle College is also an option to consider if you have a lot of AP/IB credits and you appreciate a robust liberal arts framework. But remember, Revelle has rigorous requirements, particularly in writing and humanities.

In terms of campus vibe, Warren is known for its engineering and CS community since it’s closer to the engineering buildings, which might be a plus for you.

In the end, there's no definitive answer to which college is the "best" for computer science students. It primarily depends on your individual preferences and educational objectives.

Make sure to review each of the college's philosophies and general education requirements to make an informed decision that suits your needs and preferences. Good luck with your application!

4 days ago

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