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Best college for animal science?

I'm really interested in animal science and want to find the best college for it. Can anyone suggest a college with a strong program and opportunities for hands-on experience?

4 days ago

Absolutely, a few universities with strong programs in Animal Science include:

1. Cornell University: The Department of Animal Science at Cornell is known for its strong emphasis on both education and research pertaining to animal science and management. They have state-of-the-art facilities and research farms for hands-on learning, and they also offer courses that include hands-on labs.

2. University of California, Davis: UC Davis has a highly rated Animal Science program. They also have an Animal Research Center that provides hands-on learning.

3. University of Wisconsin-Madison: Their Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences is recognized for its research, teaching, and extension programs in animal and dairy sciences. Students have opportunities for hands-on learning through the university's teaching farm.

Be sure to look into opportunities for undergraduate research, internships, and hands-on courses when considering these programs. It's also a good idea to reach out to the department's faculty and current students to learn more about their experiences. This will give you a better sense of each program.

4 days ago

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