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What are some job options with a vocational school education?

I'm considering attending a vocational school after high school instead of going straight to college. What kind of jobs could I explore with a vocational education?

4 days ago

The range of job options with a vocational school education is quite broad and really depends on your specific areas of interest. Below are a few pathways you might consider:

1. Healthcare professionals: For instance, you could train to become a licensed vocational nurse, medical assistant, surgical technologist or a dental hygienist. These roles often offer stable employment with reasonable incomes.

2. Trade occupations: Many vocational schools provide training in areas like carpentry, welding, plumbing, and electrical work. These skilled trades are in high demand and can offer excellent job prospects and earnings potential.

3. Automotive and Aviation Technicians: With hands-on training, you can find work as an automotive or aviation technician. These roles usually involve repairing equipment and machinery.

4. IT professionals: Information technology is another area where vocational education can lead to excellent opportunities. You could earn certifications for positions such as network administrator, IT security specialist, or web developer.

5. Culinary Arts: If you have an interest in food, training in culinary arts can pave the way for rewarding careers like chef, baker, or restaurant manager.

6. Print and Digital Media: Vocational schools also offer training in areas like graphic design, animation, and photography. These skills can open doors to careers in advertising, film, or other media industries.

Remember, your vocational school education can be a stepping stone to further education and opportunities down the line. Some students opt to work in their field for a few years before then earning a degree or further certification in their industry, which could lead to management opportunities. Ultimately, the most important thing is to align your vocational training with your career goals and interests to ensure you find satisfaction in your work after graduation.

4 days ago

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