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What's an example of a vocational job?

I'm exploring options for vocational training after high school, and I want to know what exactly is considered a vocational job. Any specific examples?

4 days ago

A vocational job usually refers to employment in a field that requires specialized skills that are often learned through trade schools or apprenticeships, rather than a traditional four-year college degree.

One popular example is being an electrician. As an electrician, you would work on a variety of tasks related to electrical wiring of buildings, transmission lines, machines, and related equipment. This can vary from installing new electrical systems in construction projects to maintaining and repairing existing electrical infrastructure.

Another example is a dental hygienist. As a dental hygienist, you'd provide preventative oral care under a dentist's supervision. You'd clean patients' teeth, examine patients for signs of oral diseases such as gingivitis, and provide other preventive dental care like fluoride treatments.

Another vocational job worth mentioning is a welding technician. Welders cut and join metals and other materials at construction sites. They operate suitable equipment to put together mechanical structures or parts with great precision.

These are just a few examples, but there are many other vocations like automotive mechanic, plumber, medical sonography, radiological technician, and more. The key is to find one that aligns with your interests and skill set.

4 days ago

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