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What are some high-paying vocational school jobs available?

I'm curious about vocational school jobs that offer a good salary. Are there specific fields or occupations that typically pay well or even reach a 100k salary? I'm trying to figure out potential career paths after high school.

4 days ago

Absolutely, there are several high-paying jobs you can pursue after vocational school. Many of these careers don't require a four-year degree but can still have a sizable income. Here are just a few examples:

1. Air Traffic Controller: These professionals manage the flow of aircraft in and out of the airport airspace and between airports, often making over $120,000 per year. They usually go through a program at the Federal Aviation Administration's Air Traffic Collegiate Training Initiative, though you may also need a few years of work experience.

2. Elevator Installers and Repairers: Installers and repairers can earn an average of $80,000 to over $100,000 after a few years on the job. The career entails a mix of classroom and hands-on training.

3. Nuclear Technicians: Often employing those with an associate degree in nuclear science, these technicians assist physicists, engineers, and other professionals in nuclear research and production. They average around $80,000 a year.

4. Electrical and Electronics Repairers: Operating in the powerhouse, substation, and relay sectors, these workers can earn over $75,000 annually.

5. Dental Hygienist: Typically requires an associate degree in dental hygiene and state licensure, this job can yield earnings of around $76,000 per year.

Remember, different states have different licensing requirements and salaries range based on a variety of factors including job demand, job complexity, and the cost of living in the area. It's also crucial to note that while these figures provide an indication of earning potential, they in no way guarantee specific salaries.

Lastly, it's not just about the salary. While you should consider income potential, also factor in your interests and talents when choosing a career. High job satisfaction can lead to a fulfilling career.

4 days ago

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