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Which are the best affordable colleges for environmental science?

I'm interested in majoring in environmental science but also need to keep costs down. Are there colleges known for being affordable yet having strong environmental science programs? Maybe with good field study opportunities too?

4 days ago

Several institutes have robust programs in environmental science without a hefty price tag. Here are some options worth considering:

1. Binghamton University: This is a part of the State University of New York (SUNY) system, recognized for its quality education and affordability. Its Environmental Studies program offers hands-on study opportunities.

2. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill: UNC-Chapel Hill is known for being a leading public university. The Environmental Sciences program is highly interdisciplinary and offers excellent field study opportunities. As a public university, it's also more affordable, especially for in-state residents.

3. University of Georgia: The Odum School of Ecology in UGA is the first of its kind in the US. They offer a robust environmental science program with ample research opportunities.

4. San Francisco State University: This is an excellent choice if you're particularly interested in hands-on field study since you'd get to learn in diverse habitats like the Pacific coastline and nearby mountains and forests. It's part of the California State University system, known for being affordable.

5. University of Washington: Located in Seattle, the University of Washington runs a comprehensive program in environmental science. As a public university, it aims to make education affordable.

You'll want to look into each of these schools individually to see which one seems the best fit for you, keeping in mind factors like the specific curriculum, location, and campus culture, in addition to cost. Always use the net price calculator on each school's website to get a sense of what your financial aid package might look like, as the sticker price can be misleading. Lastly, don’t forget to apply for scholarships and grants, which can further alleviate financial burden. Best of luck in your college search!

4 days ago

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