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What are some good vocational trades jobs?

I'm considering going into a trade after high school instead of college. Any suggestions for vocational trade jobs that are in demand? I'm open to different fields but want something with a solid career path.

4 days ago

One career path to consider is becoming an electrician. This field offers a solid career outlook, and according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, demand for electricians is projected to grow 8% from 2020 to 2030, faster than the average for all occupations. Electricians can specialize further in areas like residential or industrial electrical work.

Plumbing is another high-demand vocational trade. Plumbers, pipefitters, and steamfitters are necessary in new construction and for updating old systems, ensuring a steady flow of work. Plus, this field is also expected to grow 4% from 2020 to 2030.

The healthcare sector offers trade jobs such as a Surgical Technologist or a Respiratory Therapist, both of which require a vocational degree or certification rather than a four-year degree. They're crucial members of healthcare teams and demand for these roles continues to grow.

The tech sector also offers a number of vocational trade jobs. For instance, you could become a Web Developer or an IT Support Specialist, both of which typically require an associate degree or some postsecondary classes, rather than a bachelor's degree.

Lastly, jobs such as wind turbine technicians and solar photovoltaic (PV) installers are part of the growing renewable energy field. These workers typically receive specialized postsecondary training through community colleges, technical schools, or directly from the employer in some cases.

Each of these fields requires specialized training, either through an apprentice program or technical education, and provides a solid career path with potential for both growth and steady work. Please remember, choosing a career is a personal decision and should align with your interests and strengths.

4 days ago

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