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Best options for studying actuarial science?

I'm thinking about going into actuarial science but not sure which colleges have the best programs. Can anyone recommend some schools that are known for their actuarial science degrees?

4 days ago

Sure thing! A key thing to look for when applying for an actuarial science program is whether it's a Center of Actuarial Excellence, as recognized by the Society of Actuaries. These programs have rigorous standards relating to course offerings, faculty composition, connections to industry professionals, and more.

Here are some universities known for their strong actuarial science programs:

1. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton School): The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania offers an excellent undergraduate actuarial science program. Students have the opportunity to prepare for several actuarial exams while completing their program.

2. University of Wisconsin, Madison: Ranked as one of the best actuarial science programs nationwide, it has a Business and Actuarial Science double major degree program. Students are also given opportunities for internships and recruitment events.

3. University of Connecticut: The University of Connecticut has a well-regarded Actuarial Science program and is designated a Center of Actuarial Excellence by the Society of Actuaries.

4. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign: Home to another Center of Actuarial Excellence, they offer a Bachelor's in Actuarial Science, a minor in Actuarial Science, and a Master's in Actuarial Science.

5. Pennsylvania State University: Penn State has a robust Actuarial Science degree program and provides students with ample resources to pursue internships and job opportunities.

Remember, however, that the "best" school will depend on your own needs and circumstances, including financial means, geographical preferences, and cultural fit. Also, besides looking at actuarial science programs, you can consider mathematics or statistics degrees which can provide a solid foundation for actuarial exams and careers.

4 days ago

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