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What colleges are best for an audio engineering degree?

I'm super passionate about music and sound, and I think I want to pursue audio engineering after high school. Could anyone share which colleges are top-notch for an audio engineering degree? Any advice on what to look for in a program?

5 days ago

When it comes to audio engineering, there's a lot more variety in programs than you might initially think. Here are a few schools known for having strong programs:

1. Berklee College of Music: Renowned for its music programs, Berklee offers a Bachelor of Music in Music Production and Engineering. This program spans a wide range of topics including music production, recording and mixing, mastering, post-production, and more.

2. University of Southern California (USC): USC's Thornton School of Music offers a Music Technology program that provides a robust overview of various elements like music production, recording, and more.

3. New York University (NYU): Specifically, at the Steinhardt School, NYU offers both undergraduate and graduate degree programs in Music Technology where students learn in state-of-the-art studios.

In terms of what to look for in a program, first and foremost, you want to make sure the curriculum aligns with your career goals. Audio engineering can encompass careers in live sound, studio work, post-production for film and television, etc. Do the classes and professors align with your specific interests?

Rating the facilities is also significant. Access to industry-standard equipment and studios is crucial, as hands-on experience is one of the best ways to learn in this field.

Lastly, consider looking for programs located in or near music hubs like Los Angeles, Nashville, and New York City, as they can provide more internship and job opportunities post-graduation.

Remember, it's also important to consider the overall fit of the college including financial aid, campus culture, and other academic offerings. Good luck with your search!

5 days ago

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