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Best Liberal Colleges for Engineering?

I'm curious about liberal arts colleges that also have strong engineering programs. I like the idea of a well-rounded education but want to make sure the engineering program is solid. Any suggestions on schools that balance both well?

5 days ago

There are quite a few liberal arts colleges known for their robust engineering programs which seamlessly integrate liberal arts education with highly focused engineering curricula. Here are some top choices:

1. Harvey Mudd College: Known primarily for STEM, Harvey Mudd College offers a comprehensive engineering program. At the same time, students fulfill requirements in humanities and social sciences, ensuring a broad liberal arts education.

2. Swarthmore College: Swarthmore has a well-established Engineering department. Its approach to engineering is inherently multidisciplinary, and students are taught to think critically and creatively.

3. Bucknell University: Bucknell's College of Engineering offers numerous engineering majors, from civil and environmental to biomedical engineering. Yet, Bucknell ensures a broad education, with students exploring courses in arts, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences too.

4. Lafayette College: Lafayette offers a broad-based, liberal arts-influenced engineering program. It provides a comprehensive grounding in engineering principles, alongside a strong liberal arts curriculum.

5. Smith College: Unique in being a women's college, Smith College provides an outstanding education in engineering. Students also partake in a rigorous liberal arts curriculum, ensuring a rounded academic experience.

Keep in mind, these engineering programs encourage creativity, critical thinking, and problem solving - skills highly sought after in the engineering field. They provide a solid foundation in the technical elements of engineering while also nurturing soft skills through a liberal arts education.

5 days ago

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