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Best Colleges for Exercise Science and Nutrition?

I'm really interested in pursuing exercise science and nutrition and was wondering which colleges are considered the best for these majors. Are there any schools that stand out in terms of faculty, resources, or job placements?

5 days ago

There are several colleges known for strong programs in exercise science and nutrition. Remember, the "best" college depends on your personal goals, learning style, and needs, but here are some well-regarded programs:

1. University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin): The Kinesiology and Health Education department offers several majors related to exercise science, including Athletic Training, Physical Culture and Sports, Exercise Science, and more. There's also a Nutritional Sciences major within the School of Human Ecology that has a concentration in Dietetics.

2. Penn State University: The Kinesiology Department offers a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, focused on the science of human movement. They also have a Nutritional Sciences major where you can focus on either Dietetics or the science of Nutrition.

3. Indiana University - Bloomington: The School of Public Health offers a degree in Exercise Science that prepares students for careers in many health-related professions or graduate programs. They also have a degree in Dietetics that is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND).

4. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: They have a Kinesiology major where you study the science behind physical activity, as well as a Nutritional Sciences major which prepares students for a wide range of careers related to nutrition.

5. University of Florida: The Applied Physiology and Kinesiology Department offers a Bachelor of Science in Applied Physiology and Kinesiology, with specializations in Fitness/Wellness, Physical Therapy, and Human Performance. Their Food Science and Human Nutrition department offers a Bachelor of Science program in Dietetics.

Remember to review the programs they offer, internships or co-op opportunities, hands-on experience provided, faculty research, and job placement rates—to ensure the college aligns with your aspirations. Good luck with your college search!

5 days ago

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