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Any affordable colleges in Hartford, CT for computer science?

I'm looking into studying computer science in Hartford, CT, and need advice on affordable options. How reputable are these colleges, and do they offer good internship opportunities? All help is appreciated!

5 days ago

Several colleges in Hartford, CT offer degree programs in Computer Science:

- University of Hartford: This university offers a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. They have a strong reputation for a solid hands-on learning approach, and the program provides a wide range of study areas from the theoretical foundations of computing to the practical aspects of system development. If affordability is key, you might be interested in the merit scholarships offered to qualified students which can significantly lower the cost.

- Capital Community College: An even more affordable choice is this community college which offers an Associate degree in Computer Information Systems. If you're considering starting here and then transferring to a 4-year school, be sure to look into their articulation agreements with other colleges to ease the transition and ensure your credits will be transferred.

- Trinity College: Although more expensive, Trinity College has a top-notch liberal arts program, and its Computer Science department provides a strong foundation in both the hardware and software aspects of computing. They are known for robust internship opportunities, both during the school year and over the summer.

Remember, affordability takes into account more than just the sticker price of tuition; be sure to consider living expenses and potential financial aid offerings. Using the CollegeVine tool can give you an accurate estimate of your net price at these institutions!

As for internship opportunities, it often boils down to being proactive. You should reach out to your college's career services center once you're enrolled – they can provide resources and guidance in your internship search. Hartford being a moderately large city also provides a range of opportunities in startups and tech companies. Good luck in your college search!

5 days ago

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