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Requirements for Enlisting in the Military?

I'm thinking about joining the military after high school and want to know what's needed to enlist. Are there specific requirements for age, education, or anything else I should be aware of before applying?

5 days ago

Joining the military is an admirable decision, and understanding the requirements for enlistment is essential.

Firstly, for the U.S. Military, the minimum age requirement is 17 with parental consent, and 18 without it. The maximum age varies between the branches with the cut-off generally falling between 25 and 42 years of age.

Education is another significant requirement. A high school diploma is typically necessary for military enlistment. Although some branches permit GED holders, the opportunities and jobs available to them might be limited compared to high school graduates.

Physical fitness is also critical since military service can be physically demanding. You'll need to pass a Military Entrance Processing Station medical exam which also screens for mental health issues.

Another key requirement is citizenship or permanent residency. U.S. citizens can apply to all branches of the military. For non-citizen permanent residents, opportunities may vary depending on the specific branch.

Lastly, moral character is considered. This involves assessing your criminal history, drug usage history, or any derogatory behavior that could raise flags. Each branch has its specific guidelines for what is acceptable.

These are the broad guidelines but remember that there are specific variations based on the branch you are interested in – Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, or Space Force – so it would be a good idea to reach out to a local recruiter for personalized advice.

5 days ago

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