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Military Recruiting: Enlistment Requirements Explained

I'm curious about what military recruiters look for in potential enlistees. What are the basic requirements for someone to enlist, and how strict are they about these criteria? Trying to plan my options after high school.

5 days ago

Great question! The enlistment requirements can vary slightly depending on the branch of the military (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, and Space Force), but there are some general qualifications that all branches follow.

1. Age: The typical age to enlist is 17 to 35 years old. However, some branches allow older recruits up to the age of 42 under certain circumstances.

2. Citizenship: U.S. citizens or permanent residents can enlist. Some branches allow non-citizens with specific visas to join as well, with the potential for expedited citizenship.

3. Education: A high school diploma is typically required, although some branches may accept a GED under specific conditions. A greater level of education (like some college credit) could result in a higher entrance ranking.

4. Physical Health: Each branch has physical fitness and medical requirements. The standards for these depend on the specific branch, but they typically include a physical examination, weight and body fat measurements, and specific physical fitness tests.

5. Mental Health: Recruits must pass a Department of Defense-directed mental health evaluation.

6. Legal Status: Each branch runs a background check and requires a relatively clean legal history. Serious criminal offenses could disqualify you.

7. Drugs and Alcohol: Substance abuse is disqualifying. Potential recruits are tested for drug use, and any history of substance abuse can hinder your chances of enlistment.

8. ASVAB Test: Every recruit must take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test. The minimum score to enlist varies by branch.

It’s worth noting that military branches have waivers for some standards, meaning they might make exceptions in certain cases. However, getting a waiver is not guaranteed and usually depends on the specific situation and needs of the particular military branch.

On the whole, the requirements are there to ensure that new recruits are able to endure the physical, mental and emotional demands of military service, and contribute to their branch in a constructive manner.

5 days ago

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