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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What ages are accepted for military enlistment?

I'm a high school junior and curious about the age requirements for joining the military. Is there a specific age range that's allowed, and at what point is someone no longer eligible to enlist?

5 days ago

The U.S. military does have specific age requirements for enlistment. The minimum age for enlistment in all branches of the military is 17 years old with a parents' consent, or 18 years old without parental consent. However, all recruits must have a high school diploma or an equivalent to be enlisted.

The maximum age varies by branch:

- The Army, Army Reserve, and Army National Guard have a maximum age of 35

- The Navy and Navy Reserve have a maximum age of 41

- The Air Force, Air Force Reserve, and Air National Guard have a maximum age of 42

- The Marine Corps and Marine Corps Reserve have a maximum age of 28

- The Coast Guard and Coast Guard Reserve have a maximum age of 41

That said, these are general guidelines, and there can be exceptions or waivers depending on the circumstances, how qualified you are, and the needs of the military.

Remember, joining the military is a significant commitment, so it's important to research thoroughly and consider all your options before making a decision. You might find it helpful to speak with military recruiters, current and former members of the military, and your school counselor for more information and guidance in your decision-making process.

5 days ago

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