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Top schools for computer engineering in Texas?

As someone considering a computer engineering major, I'm curious about the best universities in Texas for this field. Are there specific programs or schools that stand out for undergraduates?

11 hours ago

Several universities in Texas stand out for their strong computer engineering programs:

1. University of Texas at Austin: UT Austin's Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is one of the top programs in the country. The school is renowned for its research output and extensive course offerings.

2. Rice University: Another excellent option is Rice University. Although it's a smaller school, Rice has a strong engineering department that often ranks among the best in the country.

3. Texas A&M University: This college is known for its strong engineering program overall, with computer engineering being no exception.

4. University of Texas at Dallas: It has great connections to industry in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, which could provide opportunities for internships and future job placements.

Remember, it's best to also consider factors such as cost, location, size of the school, and overall academic environment when choosing a school. Look at each school's curriculum to see if it has the type of classes you'd like to take or any specialization in a particular area of computer engineering that interests you. It might also be helpful to look up each school's alumni network for computer engineering grads.

11 hours ago

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