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Jobs available after vocational school?

I'm curious about what kind of vocational job opportunities open up after completing a program. Specifically, what are some roles that people tend to get hired for once they've finished vocational training?

11 hours ago

The opportunities after vocational school can be quite varied depending on the specific route of study you took. Vocational or trade schools provide specific job-focused training which prepares a student for a certain occupation.

1. Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics: Vocational schools often offer programs for auto mechanics. In these programs, students can learn about automobile functions, troubleshooting, and repair techniques.

2. Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA): If you took a healthcare vocational path, one potential job opportunity is as a CNA. CNAs often work in various healthcare settings from hospitals, nursing homes, and personal residences.

3. Electricians: Many students in vocational schools choose to become electricians. After an electrician-focused program, plus necessary apprenticeships, graduates can work in residential, commercial, or industrial settings.

4. HVACR Technicians: Vocational schools often offer programs that train students to become experts in installing, maintaining, and repairing heating, cooling, refrigeration, and ventilation systems.

5. Plumbing: A vocational path of study might lead one to a career in plumbing. As a plumber, the professional will be responsible for the maintenance and repair of plumbing systems.

6. Welder: Another path often offered at vocational schools is welding. Upon graduation, students can secure jobs in a wide range of industries, from construction to aerospace and manufacturing.

7. Disaster Relief and Restoration Specialist: Jobs here involve responding to crises caused by fire, water, or weather damage. Skills involve reconstruction, reparation, and cleanup.

Remember, job prospects tend to be strong for most trades, with high demand overall because these are roles that cannot be completely automated or outsourced. It's important to remember that depending on the vocational job, some states require a certain period of apprenticeships or licenses in addition to a vocational diploma or certificate.

11 hours ago

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