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Best Schools for Marine Biology and Zoology?

I'm really into marine biology and zoology, and I want to find the best colleges that offer these programs. What's important to me is access to good facilities and hands-on experiences, like fieldwork and internships.

11 hours ago

Several colleges offer excellent programs in Marine Biology and Zoology. Here are some worthy of attention:

1. University of California-Santa Cruz: UCSC’s marine biology program is renowned due to its faculty's research achievements and its location near Monterey Bay, which allows for easy access to hands-on research opportunities.

2. Duke University: Duke’s Marine Lab on the Atlantic coast provides students with the opportunity to engage in innovative research. The university's biology major also offers a concentration in Marine Biology.

3. University of Washington-Seattle: UW offers a Marine Biology major centered around Puget Sound, providing experiences with whale and sea otter migrations, and hands-on access at its Friday Harbor Laboratories.

4. Oregon State University: Oregon State has strong zoology and marine biology programs, bolstered by their access to the Pacific Ocean for field study.

5. University of Miami: It's home to the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, an oceanographic institute, which offers hands-on marine biology programs.

When looking at these schools, make sure to delve into specifics such as their partnerships with nearby aquariums, oceanographic institutes, and internship opportunities. A point of caution though, college "rankings" can be misleading. What makes a college the "best" for a student depends largely on individual fit including factors like size, location, cost, etc., so consider these alongside academic reputation and quality of the program.

11 hours ago

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