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Top east coast colleges for a marine biology major?

I'm interested in marine biology and want to study somewhere on the east coast. Can anyone recommend colleges with strong marine biology programs and access to great research opportunities or facilities?

11 hours ago

Absolutely, there are numerous East Coast colleges with robust marine biology programs, along with access to incredible research opportunities and facilities.

1. Duke University: Duke has an entire Marine Lab dedicated to the study of marine biology and coastal environments. They offer a Bachelor of Science degree in Marine Science which combines the atmospheric sciences and ocean physics with marine biology, chemistry, and geology.

2. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC): UNC's Institute of Marine Sciences is on the coast, allowing for extensive hands-on experience. They offer an undergraduate marine science program with a special concentration in biological oceanography which focuses on the interworking of marine organisms.

3. University of Miami (UM): Known for its Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, UM offers a Bachelor of Science in Marine and Atmospheric Science. They have facilities like a marine technology and life sciences seawater research complex and a 100-acre marine science research campus.

4. University of Virginia (UVA): UVA's Department of Environmental Sciences offers a concentration in marine science, with opportunities for hands-on fieldwork at locations like Coastal Virginia and the Florida Keys.

5. University of New England: It offers a Marine Sciences Major and its location in coastal Maine gives you direct access to a myriad of marine ecosystems and environments. The program is known for its strong field-based component and modern lab facilities.

Remember, when choosing a college, focus not only on the program's strength but also on the college's overall fit for you. It's important that you feel comfortable both academically and socially. Good luck in your college search!

11 hours ago

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