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Best Colleges in New York for a Biology Major?

I'm thinking about majoring in biology and would like to stay in New York for college. What are the best colleges there that offer strong biology programs? I'd love a school with great faculty and lab resources.

10 hours ago

New York offers a plethora of universities and colleges that carry strong biology programs, providing a wealth of options for a prospective biology major like you.

For starters, there's Cornell University, which is known for its distinguished faculty and well-rounded Biology major. The Biological Sciences major allows for specialization in specific areas so students can tailor their studies to their specific interests, like Ecology, Animal Physiology, or Molecular and Cell Biology.

Columbia University, another Ivy League that happens to be in NYC, also has a robust Biology department. With access to top-notch research facilities, labs, and renowned faculty, you'll be in a great environment for study and research.

New York University (NYU) offers a strong Biology program as well with research opportunities that integrate areas of biology from molecular to ecosystem level. They have extensive labs and ties to medical and industry entities.

The University of Rochester possesses a strong reputation for its biology program, with a vast array of research opportunities and state-of-the-art lab facilities for undergraduates.

Similarly, SUNY Binghamton has an impressive Biological Sciences program with a wide array of research opportunities in molecular and cell biology, ecology and evolution, and integrative physiology and neuroscience.

Lastly, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in Troy also has a strong Biology program with a focus on research and they maintain a high acceptance rate to med school for their Biology majors, which could be relevant if you're considering a pre-med track.

When considering your options, make sure to not only look at the prestige but also to check if the school's program suits your interests and career goals. The presence of specific labs, faculty expertise, and the opportunity to conduct undergraduate research can be major factors to consider. Be sure to reach out to current students or faculty to get a handle on the culture and opportunities at each institution. Good luck with your college search and application process!

10 hours ago

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