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8-Year MD Programs - How Do They Work?

Hey, I'm a junior interested in pursuing medicine and I recently came across 8-year MD programs. Can anyone explain how these programs work and what are the advantages of enrolling in one? And do you need to apply to these programs separately from regular undergraduate admissions? Thank you!

9 months ago

Hello! An 8-year MD program, also known as a combined BS/MD or BA/MD program, essentially allows you to earn both a bachelor's degree and a medical degree in a total of 8 years (4 years for your undergraduate studies and 4 years for medical school) through the affiliated colleges and medical schools in the program. These programs are designed for students who are committed to pursuing a medical career at an early stage.

Advantages of enrolling in an 8-year MD program include:

1. Time and resources: Combined programs can help save you time compared to the traditional college-to-medical-school pathway, as some programs may allow you to finish in less than 8 years. Also, you may save the time and resources required for the medical school application process since you'll be accepted to medical school right out of high school.

2. Opportunities for networking and mentorship: As part of a combined program, you'll have access to the resources and faculty at the affiliated medical school from early on, allowing you to build a strong network and benefit from mentorship opportunities sooner.

3. Reduced stress: You don't have to worry about the competitive medical school admissions process once you're accepted into an 8-year program, as long as you adhere to the program’s academic and extracurricular requirements.

Yes, you need to apply to these programs separately from regular undergraduate admissions. The application process may differ among schools, but it generally involves submitting an additional application or essays in addition to the standard undergraduate requirements. Keep in mind that the admission to such programs is highly competitive, as the number of available seats is typically limited.

9 months ago

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