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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

UMich Preferred Admission?

Hey everyone, I'm interested in applying to the University of Michigan and I've seen stuff about 'preferred admission' pop up. Can someone explain what UMich's preferred admission is all about and how it affects applicants? Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! Preferred admission at the University of Michigan refers to a specific admissions process for certain programs within the university. By applying for preferred admission, you're indicating a strong interest in that specific program and requesting priority consideration for it. It's important to note that preferred admission is not an early application process, but rather, an additional consideration for a particular program within the university.

For example, if you're interested in the Ross School of Business, you can apply for preferred admission to the business program when you submit your general UMich application. The preferred admission process will then evaluate your qualifications and fit with the specific program. If you're admitted, you'll be guaranteed a spot in that program once you complete the prerequisite coursework.

Keep in mind that applying for preferred admission does not negatively impact your chances of getting accepted into the wider University of Michigan. If you're not granted preferred admission to your desired program, you may still be admitted to the university under regular admission and have the opportunity to pursue your chosen major or apply for a transfer into the program later.

a year ago

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