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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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D3 Athlete Explained

Hey guys, I've heard a lot about D1 and D2 athletes, but I'm curious about what exactly a D3 athlete is. How do sports work at Division 3 colleges, and what should I expect if I want to participate in a sport at this level?

9 months ago

Hey there! Division 3 (D3) athletics are a part of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), which is comprised of three divisions. D3 is known for its emphasis on the balance between academics and athletics, creating a well-rounded college experience for student-athletes.

At the D3 level, colleges typically do not offer athletic scholarships, but you may still receive financial aid through merit-based or need-based scholarships from the institution. The competition level is generally less intense compared to D1 or D2, allowing student-athletes to devote more time to their academics and other extracurricular activities.

Practices and games are still an essential part of D3 sports, but there may be fewer or less intense practices and a less demanding competition schedule. As a D3 athlete, you'll still experience rigorous training, team camaraderie, and various travel opportunities throughout your collegiate athletic career.

Expect to participate in recruitment, though it may be less formal than at higher divisions. You can reach out to coaches by sending emails detailing your interest, athletic achievements, and academic standing. It's also a good idea to attend college camps or showcase events to get noticed by coaches and express your interest in their athletic program.

In summary, being a D3 athlete allows you to compete in your chosen sport while prioritizing academics and engaging in various non-athletic activities. You can anticipate a well-rounded college experience that encompasses both your passion for sports and your pursuit of a quality education.

9 months ago

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