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Best colleges for political science in Ohio?

Could anyone recommend the top colleges in Ohio for political science majors? I'm starting to plan campus visits and want to make sure I include schools with standout programs. Any advice on standout professors or resources would be welcome too!

7 hours ago

Certainly! Ohio boasts several colleges with excellent Political Science programs. Here are some top contenders:

1. Ohio State University (OSU): The Political Science department at OSU is nationally recognized, as it provides a wide array of subfields including American politics, comparative politics, political theory, and international relations. Do remember to stop by the Mershon Center for International Security Studies if you visit, which sponsors a lot of events and research in the field of political science.

2. Oberlin College: Known for its robust liberal arts curriculum, Oberlin also offers a strong Political Science program with a focus on public policy, international relations, and law, among other areas. The vast alumni network of Oberlin could be beneficial for internships and job opportunities.

3. Miami University: Miami's Political Science department offers its students an opportunity to work on the 'Janus Forum', a student-run forum that organizes events and promotes civil discourse on hot-button issues.

4. Kenyon College: Kenyon has a rigorous Political Science program, and it stands out for the resources available at its Center for the Study of American Democracy. Students take part in annual conferences and lectures, often resulting in published work and networking opportunities.

5. University of Cincinnati: Cincinnati's Political Science program stands out with a strong research emphasis and its specific tracks of study, such as a pre-law track, can be particularly beneficial depending on your future career goals.

Each institution mentioned has its own strengths, and your choice should depend on your specific career goals and interests in political science. While visiting, try to attend a political science class, if possible, speak with current students and faculty members, explore libraries or special collections related to your area of interest, and gather information about internships or study abroad programs specific to the political science department.

Remember to consider factors outside the program as well, such as overall campus culture, financial aid offerings, opportunities for extracurricular involvement, and potential for alumni engagement. It's important to find an environment where you feel not only academically stimulated but also personally comfortable and challenged. Good luck with your college search and campus visits!

7 hours ago

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