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What is the job role of a nanny?

I've always loved working with kids and am thinking about becoming a nanny. What are the typical responsibilities, and what does a day in the life of a nanny look like? Is there any special training required?

6 hours ago

A nanny essentially takes on the role of a caregiver. On a normal day, your duties may include feeding the kids, helping with their hygiene needs like baths or diaper changes (for younger kids), and engaging them in stimulating play activities. A lot of this depends on the age of the children you'll be taking care of. If they are still infants, your job will be more hands-on, centered around feeding, changing diapers, and soothing them. With toddlers and older children, it might involve helping with homework, offering creative play or learning activities, and possibly even shuttling them to and from school or after-school activities.

In addition to these child-centered responsibilities, nannies often take care of light housekeeping chores related to the children - laundry, cleaning their rooms, preparing their meals, etc. It's also common for nannies to help children develop good manners and social skills.

As for training, while it's not always mandatory, having some childcare training is a definite plus. This could be in the form of child development classes, earlier experience as a babysitter, or even certifications in First Aid and CPR. Those who care for very young children (like newborns or infants) could benefit from specialized courses or experience in newborn care.

Finally, above all, every nanny's job is to provide a safe, caring, nurturing, and stimulating environment in which the children thrive and develop. General responsibilities include undivided attention to the children, meal preparation, meeting the children’s social emotional and physical needs, providing age-appropriate activities, and disciplining when necessary according to parents' desires. Some nannies also handle additional tasks such as driving children to school or activities, helping with homework, and doing laundry for the children. Being a nanny is both rewarding and challenging, requiring patience, energy, and a love for children.

6 hours ago

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