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Suggestions for Civil Engineering Colleges in Pennsylvania?

Hi all, I'm considering studying civil engineering and looking at schools in Pennsylvania. I'd appreciate it if anyone could share which colleges are the best for this major in PA and why. Thanks in advance!

6 hours ago

There are several excellent schools in Pennsylvania known for strong civil engineering programs.

1) Penn State University (University Park) - Penn State's civil engineering program has a long history of excellence and its College of Engineering has a robust research environment. The program also provides ample opportunities for hands-on experience and has strong industry connections which can help with internships and job placements.

2) University of Pittsburgh - The Swanson School of Engineering, at the University of Pittsburgh, offers a strong program where students can gain a breadth of knowledge in civil engineering disciplines and have the option to concentrate in their areas of interest.

3) Carnegie Mellon University - Although more known for their computer science and robotics, Carnegie Mellon also has a solid civil engineering program. They emphasize interdisciplinary work and incorporate technology into many of their engineering courses.

4) Drexel University - Drexel's program is known for its co-op program, which integrates periods of full-time professional employment with classroom study. It provides real-life work experience, which is a great advantage.

5) Lehigh University - Lehigh's Civil Engineering program offers an integrated and multidisciplinary approach, with a strong emphasis on research and practical application.

Remember, when choosing a college, it's not only about rankings. It's also important to consider factors like student-to-faculty ratio, opportunities for research or internships, the culture on campus, and the support services available to students.

6 hours ago

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