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What are the main duties of a certified nursing assistant?

I'm looking into a career in healthcare and came across the role of a certified nursing assistant. Can someone outline what CNAs do and if they need special certifications?

7 hours ago

Certified Nursing Assistants, often known as CNAs, play vital roles in healthcare facilities such as hospitals, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities. Their primary responsibilities revolve around assisting individuals with their daily living activities and supporting the healthcare team.

Broadly speaking, here are some key duties performed by CNAs:

1. Personal Care: This is one of the core responsibilities of a CNA and involves assisting patients with personal care tasks such as bathing, grooming, dressing, and feeding.

2. Vital Signs: CNAs are also tasked with monitoring and recording patients' vital signs, including measuring body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration rates.

3. Patient Mobility: They help patients move around, especially those who are unable to do it on their own. This might include aiding with transfers to wheelchairs, helping them walk, or assisting them to switch positions in bed to prevent bedsores.

4. Patient Observation: CNAs are frequently tasked to observe and report any changes in the patient's condition to the nursing or medical staff. These changes might involve a shift in behavior, physical condition, or overall health.

5. Housekeeping: In some instances, CNAs may be required to perform light housekeeping duties like changing linens, cleaning the patient's room, and maintaining a hygienic environment for the patient.

As for certification, yes, CNAs do need specific qualifications to be able to work. In general, the process involves completing a state-approved education program that usually lasts from 4 to 12 weeks and passing a certification exam. Once these requirements are fulfilled, one can work as a CNA. The specific regulations can vary somewhat depending on the state, so it's essential to check your local requirements.

7 hours ago

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