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Top colleges for baseball and engineering?

I'm looking for colleges that have strong programs in both baseball and engineering. I don't want to give up on my passion for baseball while studying. Are there any schools where I can pursue both?

20 hours ago

Sure, there are definitely schools where you can pursue both baseball and engineering. Some to consider include:

1. Stanford University: Stanford is known for its excellent engineering programs, and their baseball team has historically been very competitive, with multiple College World Series appearances.

2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): While MIT's Division III program may not compete on the same level as some Division I schools, the university's baseball team has had noteworthy success within their division. Plus, the engineering program at MIT is world-renowned.

3. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA): The engineering programs at UCLA are top-notch. Their baseball team has claimed national titles and produced notable MLB players.

4. University of Michigan: The University of Michigan ranks highly in both engineering and baseball. Their baseball team has seen success on a national level, and their engineering programs are consistently ranked as some of the best in the nation.

5. Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech): This school has strong programs in engineering and a notable baseball team that competes in the ACC, one of the strongest conferences in college baseball.

6. University of Texas at Austin: The university's Cockrell School of Engineering is nationally ranked, and their baseball team regularly competes in the NCAA Division I College World Series.

Remember, it's crucial to consider other factors, such as academic fit, financial considerations, and your overall comfort with the college atmosphere, while making your decision.

20 hours ago

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