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Best computer engineering programs in New York?

I'm looking into computer engineering programs and would love to stay in New York. What are the top colleges for computer engineering in the state? How competitive are they?

20 hours ago

New York is home to numerous universities that offer strong computer engineering programs. Here are a few that are top-ranked:

1. Columbia University: Columbia has an excellent engineering program including a department dedicated to Electrical Engineering which encompasses Computer Engineering. Admission is highly competitive with only around 4% acceptance rate, but those who gain admission join an illustrious group of alumni.

2. Cornell University: Cornell's College of Engineering is exceptional, with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering offering a Computer Engineering major. Admission rates are typically around 8-10%, so it's also highly selective.

3. New York University (NYU): The Tandon School of Engineering at NYU also offers a strong Computer Engineering program. NYU's acceptance rate is around 10-13%, which is quite selective.

4. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI): RPI's School of Engineering is another noteworthy choice for Computer Engineering. Located in Troy, New York, RPI has competitive admissions with an acceptance rate around 50-58%.

5. University at Buffalo, SUNY: The SUNY system has some excellent opportunities for aspiring computer engineers, with the University at Buffalo being a notable program. The typical acceptance rate is around 70% making it less competitive than the other options listed.

These universities all have their own distinct cultures, environments, advantages, and challenges. You should research further into each school to see which environment aligns best with your values and aspirations. Also, remember that the competitiveness of these programs can fluctuate from year to year based on the applicant pool. To improve your chances, keep up with your coursework, work on any relevant extracurriculars, and try to get involved in projects that demonstrate your interest and skills in computer engineering. Good luck!

20 hours ago

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