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Key Club in High School

Hey fellow students! I've been looking into joining some clubs at school, and I stumbled upon the Key Club. What is the Key Club all about, and what can I expect if I decide to join? Also, does participating in Key Club look good on college applications?

a year ago

Hey there! Key Club is an international, student-led organization that provides its members with opportunities to serve their community, build character, and develop leadership skills. As a member of Key Club, you can expect to be involved in various community service projects, such as organizing food drives, volunteering at local events, or raising funds for charitable causes.

Participating in Key Club can be a valuable extracurricular activity to include on your college applications. It demonstrates commitment to community service and showcases your leadership skills if you take on a leadership role within the club. In terms of extracurricular tiers, it usually falls under Tier 3, which includes activities where you have held a leadership role, but that aren't super unusual for high schoolers to participate in. You can read more about extracurricular tiers on CollegeVine's blog:

Keep in mind, though, colleges are generally more interested in the depth and impact of your extracurricular involvement rather than the club itself. Being an active and engaged member of Key Club, participating in various projects, and taking on leadership roles can make your membership stand out on your college application, and bump it up to Tier 2 or, in rare cases, maybe even Tier 1.

Additionally, on a more personal level, if you find that Key Club aligns with your interests and values, it can be a great way to give back to your community and develop your altruism and self-awareness, which can also have indirect benefits for your college applications.

Overall, it's essential to find activities that you genuinely enjoy and are passionate about, as this will likely lead to a more meaningful and rewarding experience, and a bigger boost to your college apps. Good luck!

a year ago

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