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URI room and board costs?

Just trying to figure out my budget for college. Can anyone share their experience with room and board costs at the University of Rhode Island? Thanks in advance, guys!

9 months ago

The University of Rhode Island's room and board costs can vary depending on the type of housing and meal plan you choose. Generally, though, it ranges from approximately $12,000 to $15,000 per academic year for on-campus housing and a meal plan. Let me break it down for you:

1. Housing: On-campus housing options at URI include traditional residence halls, suites, and apartment-style living. The cost depends on the type of residence hall and room configuration you choose. For example, a double room in a traditional residence hall might be on the lower end of the cost spectrum, while a private room in a suite-style hall could be more expensive.

2. Meal Plans: URI offers a variety of meal plan options to suit different dining needs. They typically range from around $3,500 to $4,700 per academic year. There are plans offering various numbers of meals per week, flex dollars, and guest passes. You'll want to consider your eating habits and budget when choosing a meal plan.

Keep in mind that these costs are subject to change, and you should always consult the university's website or contact their housing and dining offices for the most up-to-date information. Additionally, don't forget to account for other expenses such as books, supplies, transportation, and personal expenses when planning your overall college budget. Good luck!

9 months ago

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