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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What does 'ADV' mean in class names?

I've seen 'ADV' in course names at my school and want to know what it stands for. Is it an abbreviation for something related to advanced placement or difficulty level?

a year ago

'ADV' in class names typically stands for 'Advanced'. It usually indicates that the course is more challenging and rigorous than regular or general level courses. Advanced courses may cover more complex material, demand a higher level of critical thinking, or require more extensive assignments.

These courses are designed for students who are academically strong in a specific subject or area and want to deepen their understanding or prepare for higher-level courses in the future. While ADV courses are more demanding, they are usually worth the effort, as they can help you develop essential analytical and problem-solving skills that may prove beneficial in college and beyond.

Note that advanced courses are distinct from Advanced Placement (AP) courses, which are college-level courses that may result in college credit if you earn a high enough score on the corresponding AP exam. You may also want to check with your teachers to confirm that ADV does indeed stand for 'Advanced' at your particular school, as how courses are categorized can vary from one high school to the next.

Good luck with your course selection!

a year ago

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