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Top Colleges for Environmental Science in the USA

I'm really passionate about environmental science and planning to major in it. What are some of the best colleges in the USA for this field? I've heard a few names but would love some comprehensive recommendations.

a day ago

First and foremost, it's terrific that you're keen about environmental science!

One place that's particularly prestigious for environmental science is Stanford University. Its program is interdisciplinary, combining biology, earth science, and anthropology, and is notable for its research facilities and opportunities.

Another top choice is Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). While it doesn't offer an exact environmental science major, it has rigorous programs in environmental engineering and earth, atmospheric, and planetary sciences that could fit your interests.

UC Berkeley is another university that shines for environmental science. They have an Environmental Science, Policy, and Management department that offers concentrations in different aspects of the field like ecosystem management, environmental justice, and climate and energy.

Duke University also stands out with its Nicholas School of the Environment offering both AB and BS degrees in environmental science. It's known for its field research opportunities, particularly its research stations and marine lab.

Dartmouth College’s environmental science program is highly regarded and gives students the opportunity to study abroad in places like Costa Rica, South Africa, and Greenland for firsthand fieldwork.

Yale University's School of the Environment offers a robust undergraduate environmental studies major which spans both natural and social science perspectives.

Cornell University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences has an excellent program that blends environmental science and sustainability and offers concentrations in areas like environmental biology and environmental economics.

Remember that while ranking can be helpful, it's crucial to also consider factors like the individual fit of each program in terms of its course offerings, faculty, research opportunities, campus culture, and your own career goals. I hope this gives you a good starting point!

a day ago

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