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Best Schools for Equine Science?

I'm considering majoring in equine science because I'm really into horses and the industry around them. Can anyone recommend the best colleges that offer strong programs in equine science?

a day ago

Choosing a college with a strong equine science program allows you to delve deep into learning about the anatomy, physiology, nutrition, reproduction and management of horses, all while gaining hands-on experience. Here are a few schools you might want to consider:

1. University of Kentucky - Located in Lexington, considered "The Horse Capital of the World", the University of Kentucky offers an Equine Science and Management degree. This program allows for a specialized track in Equine Science, focused on the biological and physical aspects of horses.

2. Colorado State University - CSU's Equine Science program is a part of their larger Animal Sciences department. The program covers a broad range of topics relating to horse management, health and industry, and there are countless opportunities for hands-on experience.

3. Middle Tennessee State University - Their Horse Science program is quite versatile, with options to focus on industry management or pre-veterinary studies in addition to the equine science track.

4. University of Minnesota - UMN's offers an Equine Science major and minor. The university also houses the Leatherdale Equine Center, a unique facility for studying equine health and nutrition.

5. Oklahoma State University - OSU's Equine program is great for those who want the science background along with practical understanding of the business side of the horse industry.

Remember that visiting each school's program page online can provide additional details about curriculum, faculty, research opportunities and facilities. Also considering factors like class size, location, internship opportunities and extracurricular activities can help you choose the best fit for your interests and career goals.

a day ago

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