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Top colleges for biomedical engineering in Georgia?

I'm interested in studying biomedical engineering and currently live in Georgia. Could anyone recommend some of the best colleges in the state for this major? I'm looking for programs with strong faculty and resources.

a day ago

Sure, Georgia has a few colleges well known for their strong biomedical engineering programs.

1. Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech): This is one of the preeminent leaders in the field of Biomedical Engineering. The Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering is a joint venture between Georgia Tech's College of Engineering and the Emory University School of Medicine. It ranks consistently among the top BME departments in the country. They have strong faculty and your opportunities for research as an undergraduate student would be quite ample.

2. Emory University: Although it doesn't offer an undergraduate biomedical engineering program, it does offer a joint program with Georgia Tech in Biomedical Engineering. This program allows you to work with prominent faculty and researchers.

3. Mercer University: They offer a Bachelor of Science degree in Biomedical Engineering which is action-oriented and focuses on design opportunities starting from the first year. It places an emphasis on industry and clinical collaborations.

4. University of Georgia (UGA): While it is known more for its life sciences than engineering, UGA does offer a Bachelor’s degree in Biochemical Engineering within its College of Engineering.

Remember to check out the details of each program, take a closer look at the specific biomedical engineering courses and consider visiting campuses if possible. Reach out to current students or alumni to get a feel for the programs from those who have experienced them firsthand. Good luck with your college search!

a day ago

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