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Visiting Brown University: Tips and Tricks?

Hey guys, I'm considering applying to Brown University and I'd like to visit the campus first. Can anyone who's been there share their experience? What are some must-see spots on campus, and any tips on making the most of my visit?

11 months ago

Hi there! It's great that you're planning on visiting Brown University to get a feel for the campus before applying. Here are some suggestions for making the most out of your visit:

1. Start with an information session and campus tour: Most universities, including Brown, offer official information sessions and guided campus tours. Be sure to reserve a spot on their website. This will give you a comprehensive overview of the university and its facilities.

2. The Main Green: This is the historic heart of Brown's campus and a popular spot for students to relax, study, or socialize. It's surrounded by beautiful, historic buildings, so be sure to take some time to stroll around and soak in the atmosphere.

3. The Sciences Library: This 15-story building offers a unique view of the entire campus and the city of Providence. Head to the top floor to enjoy the observation deck and take some photos.

4. The John Hay Library: Brown's special collections and archives are housed here, including rare books, manuscripts, and other fascinating materials. It's a beautiful building and definitely worth visiting.

5. Explore Thayer Street: Just steps away from the campus, Thayer Street is a popular spot for students to eat, shop, and socialize. Grab a meal at one of the various restaurants, shop for Brown merchandise, or catch a movie at the Avon Cinema.

6. Steinert Practice Center: If you're a music enthusiast, this building is home to Brown's Grand Steinway piano and numerous practice rooms. It's a great place to check out if you're interested in the music program or just want to appreciate the campus's artistic side.

7. Attend a class or two: If possible, try to sit in on a class that interests you. This will give you a better understanding of the teaching style and academic experience at Brown. You can often find schedules and available classes online, or just ask your tour guide.

8. Talk to current students: Stop and talk with students at Brown - as long as they aren't in a rush to get to class! - to hear about their experiences firsthand. Ask about academic life, extracurriculars, campus culture, and any tips they might have for prospective students like yourself.

Enjoy your time on campus, and I hope you get a well-rounded glimpse of life at Brown!

11 months ago

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