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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What can I expect with a 3.2 college GPA?

I'm maintaining a 3.2 GPA in college, and I'm curious about how it might affect my future opportunities, whether it's grad school or jobs. Any info is appreciated!

a year ago

A 3.2 college GPA is considered a solid average and will still open up various opportunities for you in terms of grad school and job prospects. That being said, every situation is unique and depends on factors such as the major, school, and industry you're pursuing. Here's a brief overview of how a 3.2 GPA may impact your future:

Grad School:

Admission into grad school can be competitive, and a higher GPA is typically more advantageous. However, many programs will still consider applicants with GPAs in the 3.0-3.5 range, particularly if you have strengths in other areas of your application, such as research experience, extracurricular activities, or a compelling personal statement. Some programs may emphasize the GPA of your major-specific courses more than your overall GPA.


When it comes to job opportunities, your college GPA may or may not play a large role in securing a position. Many companies and industries will value your skills, experience, and connections more than your GPA, particularly after you've had a few years of work experience. However, some competitive fields and large companies (e.g., consulting or investment banking) may have GPA cutoffs, typically around 3.5 or higher, so you might face some limitations in those areas.

Improving Your Prospects:

If you're still in college, focus on boosting your GPA by performing well in the remaining semesters and building a strong major-specific GPA if applicable. Additionally, prioritize gaining relevant experience through internships, research, leadership roles, or part-time jobs, as these will be invaluable when applying for grad school or jobs. Networking and maintaining connections within your desired industry can also help you overcome any potential limitations due to your GPA.

In short, while a 3.2 GPA may not be an obstacle for many opportunities, striving to improve your grades and bolstering other areas of your resume will enhance your overall prospects.

a year ago

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