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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

What time should I arrive for the SAT?

Can someone please tell me when I should plan to arrive at the test center for the SAT? I don't want to be late, so any advice would be helpful! Thanks!

a year ago

It's smart to be punctual for your SAT test, as arriving late can lead to unnecessary stress and potentially even being denied entry. College Board recommends that you arrive at the testing center no later than 7:45 AM on test day. The doors usually close around 8:00 AM, and the test starts shortly afterwards.

To ensure a smooth test day, make sure to bring the following items with you:

1. Your printed SAT admission ticket

2. A valid photo ID (like a driver's license or passport)

3. Two No. 2 pencils with erasers

4. An approved calculator with fresh batteries

5. A snack and a bottle of water (for breaks)

6. A watch (without an audible alarm) to keep track of time

Lastly, it's a good idea to scout out the location of the testing center beforehand if you can, as this can help ease anxiety about finding the place on test day. Additionally, set multiple alarms and have a backup plan in case of any unexpected delays like traffic or weather.

Good luck on your SAT!

a year ago

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