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What scholarships are available for high SAT scores?

Hi everyone! I'm a junior and I recently got my SAT scores back. Mine is pretty good, and I'm wondering if there are any scholarships out there for students with high SAT scores? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hi there! Congratulations on your high SAT score. There are definitely scholarships available for students with strong SAT scores. I'll provide some examples below, but I also recommend looking up individual scholarship pages of universities you're interested in, as many schools offer specific merit-based scholarships based on standardized test scores.

1. National Merit Scholarship Program: While this program is based on your PSAT score, high SAT scores often correlate with high PSAT scores. If you haven't taken the PSAT yet, consider taking it this fall to qualify for National Merit scholarships.

2. The College Board Opportunity Scholarships: The College Board, which administers the SAT, offers several scholarships that range from $500 to $2,000. These scholarships are available to students who take specific actions throughout the college application process, but high SAT scores can make you a more competitive applicant for these awards.

3. Corporate scholarships: Some companies offer scholarships to students based on their SAT scores. One example is the Coca-Cola Scholars Program, which awards 150 scholarships of $20,000 each. Selection is based on factors such as leadership, academics, and community service.

4. Local and regional scholarships: Check with your school counselor or local community organizations to see if there are any scholarships offered in your area that reward high SAT scores.

Make sure to also look into scholarships that may not directly relate to SAT scores but consider academic achievement as part of their criteria. Many scholarships are also based on other factors such as extracurricular activities, community service, or intended major. Good luck on your scholarship search!

a year ago

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