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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Valedictorian selection criteria?

Hi all! I'm curious about how valedictorian is determined in high school. Is it solely based on GPA or do other factors come into play? Any insight on this would be super helpful, thanks!

a year ago

Hi there! The process for selecting the valedictorian can vary from one high school to another, but in general, the primary determining factor is the student's academic performance, which is most commonly measured by their GPA. However, some schools also consider factors like weighted GPAs, which account for the difficulty of the classes a student has taken, or class rank, which compares a student's performance to that of their classmates.

In addition to academic performance, some schools may consider other factors, such as extracurricular involvement, leadership roles, and community service. While these factors are typically not as heavily weighted as GPA, they can help distinguish between students with very similar academic achievements.

It's important to note that not all schools have a valedictorian system—some choose to recognize multiple top-performing students rather than a single individual. If you're unsure about your school's specific criteria, I would recommend speaking with your high school counselor or an administrator who can provide more information about the process and factors considered in your school's selection. Good luck!

a year ago

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