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AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam Format?

Hi! I'm gonna take AP Spanish Language and Culture next year, but I'm not really familiar with the exam format. Can someone please explain the different sections and what types of questions I should expect? Really appreciate any help!

a year ago

Hi there! I'd be glad to help you understand the format of the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam. The exam consists of two main sections: Multiple Choice and Free Response, each making up 50% of your total score.

1. Multiple Choice Section:

This section consists of two parts: Interpretive Communication (Print and Audio Texts) and Interpretive Communication (Print and Audio Texts Combined). In total, there will be around 65 questions and you'll have 1 hour and 35 minutes to complete them.

a) Interpretive Communication (Print and Audio Texts): You'll be asked to read various texts (such as articles, advertisements, or literary excerpts) and respond to questions related to their content, main ideas, and supporting details. Some questions may also ask about vocabulary, tone, or author's perspective.

b) Interpretive Communication (Print and Audio Texts Combined): This part will present you with a variety of texts that include both print (articles, infographics, etc.) and audio components (interviews, news reports, etc.). You'll have to answer questions based on both the written and audio information.

2. Free Response Section:

This section is divided into four tasks which assess your Interpersonal Writing, Presentational Writing, Interpersonal Speaking, and Presentational Speaking skills. You'll have 1 hour and 28 minutes to complete the tasks.

a) Interpersonal Writing: You'll be given an email (a prompt) and will need to write a response in Spanish. Your response should be well-structured, accurately address the prompt, and use appropriate vocabulary and grammar.

b) Presentational Writing: In this task, you'll be asked to write an essay in Spanish, comparing and contrasting information from a set of sources (such as articles, graphs, or images). Your essay should present a clear argument, use evidence from the sources, and demonstrate your ability to analyze and synthesize information.

c) Interpersonal Speaking: This task involves a simulated conversation in Spanish. You'll be given a series of prompts and will need to respond to them as if you were having a conversation with a partner. Your responses should be appropriate and coherent, demonstrating your ability to hold a conversation in Spanish.

d) Presentational Speaking: Finally, you'll be asked to deliver a 2-minute oral presentation in Spanish. You'll be given a specific topic and some time to prepare before you start speaking. Your presentation should be structured, clear, and coherent, demonstrating your understanding of the topic and your ability to communicate it effectively.

I hope this breakdown helps you better understand the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam format. Good luck with your preparation!

a year ago

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