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Scholarships available at ASU?

I've been considering Arizona State University as one of my options, but I'm not sure about their financial aid offers. Does anyone know what types of scholarships ASU offers for incoming freshmen? Any information would be appreciated, thanks!

a year ago

Arizona State University (ASU) offers an impressive variety of scholarship opportunities for incoming freshmen. Some of the scholarships you should consider as an incoming freshman are:

1. New American University Scholarship: This merit-based scholarship is awarded to incoming freshmen with outstanding academic achievements. It covers tuition and mandatory fees, with some scholarships providing additional funds for room and board.

2. ASU Leadership Scholarship Program (LSP): The LSP is a merit-based award that recognizes students who have demonstrated exceptional leadership abilities through their community involvement and extracurricular activities. It provides up to $13,000 per academic year.

3. Obama Scholars Program: This need-based scholarship aims to support low-income students from Arizona who demonstrate financial need and academic promise. Eligible students receive funds to cover tuition, fees, and other educational expenses, including a laptop stipend.

4. ASU College-specific Scholarships: Many colleges within ASU offer additional scholarship opportunities for students pursuing specific majors or programs. Be sure to check with your intended college for any unique scholarships they might offer.

5. Outside Scholarships: ASU encourages students to apply for external scholarships as well. You can find a list of suggested scholarships on the ASU scholarship portal website.

Finally, don't forget to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to maximize your financial aid package. Your FAFSA results will be used to determine your eligibility for federal and state grants, as well as need-based scholarships offered by ASU.

It's a good idea to visit ASU's scholarship website and search their scholarship portal to find opportunities tailored to you. Keep in mind that scholarship deadlines and requirements can vary, so be sure to submit applications on time and carefully follow the guidelines.

Good luck with your scholarship search, and I hope you find the financial support you need to attend ASU!

a year ago

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