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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How does a 76 GPA on a 4.0 scale look for college admissions?

My high school uses a 4.0 scale for GPAs, and right now I have a 76 GPA. Can someone help me understand how competitive my GPA is in the college admissions process? What kind of schools should I be aiming for with this kind of GPA?

a year ago

In order to better understand your GPA in terms of competitiveness for college admissions, it's essential to first convert your 76 GPA into a more commonly used 4.0 scale. A 76 GPA generally corresponds to a 2.0 on a 4.0 scale.

With a 2.0 GPA, your options for highly competitive or top-tier colleges will be limited, as these institutions typically look for higher GPAs in their admissions process. However, this doesn't mean you can't get into a solid college that provides a good education and opportunities for personal growth. You should consider targeting less selective schools, such as some public universities, community colleges, or regional colleges, as they may offer more flexible admission requirements.

Also, remember that your GPA is only one facet of your college application. It’s essential to demonstrate a well-rounded profile by highlighting other strengths like strong extracurricular involvement, showcasing your passions and interests, or perhaps emphasizing any unique circumstances that impacted your academic performance. Moreover, if you have strong standardized test scores, they can help balance out a lower GPA and show your academic abilities.

You can also consider working to improve your GPA before college application season starts, if time permits. This could involve retaking courses you performed poorly in or seeking tutoring assistance in subjects where you struggle. Demonstrating an upward trend in your GPA can show colleges that you are committed to academic improvement and growth.

Overall, it's important to research schools with admissions requirements that align with your academic profile. Keep an open mind, explore your options, and focus on highlighting your strengths while mitigating any potential weaknesses. Good luck!

a year ago

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