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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

UCSD Average GPA Unweighted

Hello everyone! I'm super interested in applying to UCSD and I'm curious about the average unweighted GPA of admitted students. Can anyone share that information so I can see how I compare? Thank you!

a year ago

Hello! UCSD is an excellent choice, and it's a good idea to see how your academic performance compares to admitted students. According to UCSD's latest admissions information, the average unweighted GPA of admitted students falls around 3.92 to 4.00. Keep in mind that these numbers can vary slightly by year and by the specific school or program you apply to within UCSD.

While your unweighted GPA is important, UCSD also considers other factors like your UC-weighted GPA, course rigor, test scores, extracurricular activities, essays, and other aspects of your application. Additionally, UCSD and other UC schools use something called the Academic Index (AI).

The AI represents the strength of a student's grades, test scores (if available), and class rank (if available). Meeting the Academic Index cutoff can help ensure your application gets read, although the exact values aren't published by the schools.

If your unweighted GPA is below the average range, don't get discouraged. It's still possible to be a competitive applicant by highlighting strengths in other areas of your application. Good luck!

a year ago

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