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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

What are some signs that you've been accepted into college?

Hello, I'm trying to figure out how I might know if I've been accepted into a college or not. Are there usual signs or clues that can give me an idea before I receive the official letter? Thanks a lot!

a year ago

Hello! It's natural to be curious and eager to know your college admission results. While receiving an official letter or email from the college is the definitive way to know your admission decision, there may be a couple of unofficial signs that could hint at an acceptance. However, keep in mind that these indicators are not guaranteed and should be taken with a grain of salt.

1. College portal changes: Many colleges have online portals where applicants can check the status of their applications. Sometimes, these portals may be updated before the official admission decision is released. Look out for changes in your applicant profile or status, such as your financial aid information, housing applications, or the appearance of an "admitted students" link.

2. Social media and online forums: Many students share their own experiences and speculations on social media platforms or college forums like College Confidential or Reddit. Monitoring these forums could give you an idea of when decisions are released and what some unofficial indicators might be. Remember, information found on social media and forums should not be taken as a reliable source for your own admission decision.

3. Mailing information: In some cases, acceptance letters may arrive in bigger, thicker envelopes compared to rejection or waitlist letters, which often come in smaller, standard-sized envelopes. However, this is less common these days as most colleges have transitioned to online communication.

4. Contact from admitted students groups or alumni: Sometimes, accepted students may receive communication from a college's admitted students group, alumni, or current students inviting them to join a Facebook group or attend an admitted students event before officially receiving their admission decision.

While these signs might provide some unofficial hints, it's essential to wait for the official decision from the college to confirm your acceptance. Good luck and I hope you receive good news soon!

a year ago

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