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AP Government & Politics Exam Question Types?

Hey guys, I want to start preparing for my upcoming AP Government and Politics exam, but I'm not sure what types of questions I should expect. Can anyone provide a brief overview of the various question types on the exam?

a year ago

Hello! It's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the question types on the AP Government and Politics exam before you start studying. The exam is divided into two sections: multiple choice and free-response questions.

Section 1: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

- This section consists of 55 multiple-choice questions.

- You will have 80 minutes to complete this section.

- The questions in this section are focused on the main content areas of U.S. government and politics.

- Each question typically has four answer choices, and you must select the best one.

Section 2: Free-Response Questions (FRQs)

- This section consists of four free-response questions.

- You will have 100 minutes to complete this section.

- There are several types of free-response questions, including:

1. Concept Application: You'll be asked to explain a political concept and apply it to a real-world political situation.

2. Quantitative Analysis: You'll be provided with a data source (such as a chart or table) and must analyze and apply the data to a political scenario.

3. SCOTUS Comparison: You'll be given information about a Supreme Court case and will be asked to compare it to another case, focusing on the constitutional principles involved.

4. Argument Essay: You'll need to develop an argument in the form of an essay, using evidence from the required foundational documents and other course material to support your position.

When preparing for the exam, make sure to practice both multiple-choice and free-response questions. Doing so will help you become more comfortable with each type and improve your test-taking strategy. Good luck with your studying!

a year ago

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